
Iran reportedly considered killing US ambassador to South Africa

New Europe - Elena Pavlovska

Iran is weighing an assassination attempt against the United States’ ambassador to South Africa Lana Marks, US media reported on Monday.

The report citied multiple US intelligence sources and a CIA global threats document. It said it would be the Islamic Republic’s preferred method of retaliating against US president Donald Trump’s assassination of Revolutionary Guards commander Qasem Soleimani in January.

Iran later launched missile strikes on an Iraqi military base housing US troops, but American casualties were low and intelligence officials said it was likely that there would be more attacks at a later date.

According to US media, the intelligence report is not clear why the South African-born Marks would be Iran’s target for revenge, except that she is a close friend of Trump’s and a member of his exclusive Mar-a-Lago resort club in Florida.

Iran’s ministry of foreign affairs has strongly denied the report, and called it “anti-Iran propaganda”.

A US government official said that Marks, who took up her post last October, had been informed and the threat was listed in the CIA’s World Intelligence Review.

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